WEEK 7: Text Necks & Zoom Butts


Happy Monday!

Today is a beautiful day here in Northern Virginia. The kind that makes you forget we are under quarantine and just want to go out. But, we still need to stay home to keep everyone safe. Soon, soon, soon..

Speaking of health, a few things have been coming up in conversation with my virtual clients. One of those is increased neck pain and complaints of sciatica and general hip, glute and low back tightness. Many of us, even those of us who had desk jobs before, are spending increasing time looking at a screen and SITTING! Paulo and myself included. There are a few things we need to do to counteract our increased dependency on our screens.

  1. Change your positions frequently. Sit for one meeting, stand for another, walk around your house or your yard while you are on a phone call. If you have a stationary piece of equipment (treadmill or bike, e.g.) pedal or walk slowly while on your call. Our desks at work are usually ergonomic but not always so at home.

  2. Try to set up a standing desk (even a make shift…see Paulo’s photo!) and avoid sitting on hard chairs with no cushion.

  3. When you do sit, make sure you sit straight, trying not to cross your legs. Set up your screen so you can hold your head as straight as possible.

  4. MOVE! Try to take a walk daily, do some squats, reach side to side. Step side to side while reaching the arms out. Roll the shoulders forward and back. On our website there is a great “wake up the body” video. (https://www.arlingtonpersonalfitness.com/videos)

  5. STRETCH. Take breaks and stretch out the upper body. Reach back and open the chest. Take the ear to the shoulder. Put your hands on a desk or counter and drop your chest to stretch your shoulders. Lie on the floor with a towel rolled under your neck to let your neck muscles relax. Stretch your glutes & hamstrings frequently. (Glutes: cross your ankle on your knee and hinge your upper body forward. Hamstrings: prop your heel up on a step and lean your upper body toward the heel. ) There are also pictures of stretches on our website. (https://www.arlingtonpersonalfitness.com/videos) If you need a few more examples, just let us know. Our Monday 8:30 am Virtual Core Class is a great way to get your body moving to start the week.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. In the wise words of Cleo Wade:

May all of your vibes say: I got this.

Can you believe we are entering WEEK 6?

Happy Monday!

I hope you're having a good start to the week! I'm not going to lie. Last week was the hardest week for me - maybe it was the weather (I am ready for a tad more sun, less wind and warmer temps) or just the low wave that most people ride at some point during social distancing. I did my “virtual” GW 10 miler on Saturday. I think part of me had been gearing up for this event for the past month and I had a psychological let down after I finished. But I loved the run! It was a perfect running day and training with Honey Bun (she did not run with me) has really improved my fitness. Running is my meditation time, my time alone. After the race on Saturday, I gave myself “OFF” over the weekend. No lists of things to do and no feeling that I had to accomplish anything. It felt great to let things go and just relax. Now today I am ready to go again and am grateful for a new week of opportunity. I have turned our dining room into a sewing room and have started making masks and head coverings! I will get back to running tomorrow as exercise makes a huge MENTAL and PHYSICAL difference in fighting the blues. I think many of our virtual class members will attest to that! It has been so good for everyone to see each other for a few minutes at the beginning and end of each class and share a few life updates.

Leaving you with a thought my daughter shared from Brene Brown (https://brenebrown.com)

  1. Hitting the wall is real

  2. Hard days suck

  3. There is nothing wrong with us

  4. We are all going to be okay

Every new week is a step closer to being able to see people again.

We will get through this together. Sending virtual hugs your way!


Quarantine Enters Week 4


  Happy Monday!

As we enter week 4 of social distancing, I am finding that I do much better when I set a schedule for the day ahead.  I schedule my runs, workouts & dog walks around my virtual clients and classes.  Each morning I check my schedule and  make a list of to do’s involving the business and housework but also making sure I set aside time for reading, needlework and cooking as these are the things that give me pleasure in my leisure time.  I have listened to many of you who are also trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in these uncertain times.  A lot of you have suggested that the one of the hardest things is to continue their habits of drinking enough water and not snacking too much or on foods that should be minimized.

While reading Gretchen Rubin (www.gretchenrubin.com) last week I came across her tips to curb snacking while quarantined.  I loved them so much, I am going to share them here.

  1. Monitoring: Track your Snacks!  Measure before you eat!

  2. Inconvenience: The less convenient snacking is, the less likely we are to do it. (Keep snacks in closed containers, up in your pantry, in the back of the fridge.  If some one in your house is eating your weakness, move to a different room!)

  3. Abstaining: For some of us, it is easier to give something up altogether rather than                  indulge in moderation.

  4. Distraction: Wait 15 minutes; your craving will pass and you are likely to get absorbed in another activity. 

  5. Scheduling: Pick a special time to enjoy your favorite snack

  6. Accountability: Tell someone else what you are eating and drinking

  7. Loophole-spotting: Watch out for ways you might be excusing unhealthy behavior.

Please let us know how else we can help during these uncertain times.  If you have not joined us for a virtual workout, please do!  It is working very well for so many of our clients, friends & family across the globe! No previous experience required, all levels welcome!

Our Virtual Class Schedule (no equipment necessary!) is as follows:

  1. Monday 8:30 Core Boot Camp

  2. Wednesday 4pm HIIT Boot Camp

  3. Saturday 9am HIIT Boot Camp

You can register right on our website!

Virtual Hugs,