Can you believe we are entering WEEK 6?

Happy Monday!

I hope you're having a good start to the week! I'm not going to lie. Last week was the hardest week for me - maybe it was the weather (I am ready for a tad more sun, less wind and warmer temps) or just the low wave that most people ride at some point during social distancing. I did my “virtual” GW 10 miler on Saturday. I think part of me had been gearing up for this event for the past month and I had a psychological let down after I finished. But I loved the run! It was a perfect running day and training with Honey Bun (she did not run with me) has really improved my fitness. Running is my meditation time, my time alone. After the race on Saturday, I gave myself “OFF” over the weekend. No lists of things to do and no feeling that I had to accomplish anything. It felt great to let things go and just relax. Now today I am ready to go again and am grateful for a new week of opportunity. I have turned our dining room into a sewing room and have started making masks and head coverings! I will get back to running tomorrow as exercise makes a huge MENTAL and PHYSICAL difference in fighting the blues. I think many of our virtual class members will attest to that! It has been so good for everyone to see each other for a few minutes at the beginning and end of each class and share a few life updates.

Leaving you with a thought my daughter shared from Brene Brown (

  1. Hitting the wall is real

  2. Hard days suck

  3. There is nothing wrong with us

  4. We are all going to be okay

Every new week is a step closer to being able to see people again.

We will get through this together. Sending virtual hugs your way!


Entering Week 5 of Covid Quarantine

Happy Monday!

Looking back over the past week I have observed that while some things may be the same they feel so different. While most couples are getting used to spending more time together, Paulo & I are actually spending more time apart. We cannot virtually train people in the same room, so he goes to his “gym” and I go to mine. Somewhere along the way we trade locations, alternating between standing, sitting & pacing. We have never spent so much time NOT STANDING! And although we are not physically spotting or moving weights, we find ourselves fatigued at the end of the day. Both of us are finding that virtual training is mentally challenging: trying to be motivational and creative through a screen is very different. Still, we are both so grateful that our clients are willing to go out on a limb and do things completely different in order to keep in the best shape possible. I have to brag and say that some of our clients are actually finding themselves stronger and fitter from mixing up their routines and joining in my virtual classes!

During these crazy times when negative thoughts can easily come creeping in, I am trying to be proud of my smaller accomplishments. Going to the grocery, baking a loaf of bread, cooking a good meal and cleaning the bathrooms are not things I would ordinarily celebrate. Now I am trying celebrate these accomplishments with a thumbs up, a pat on the back or a “yea!” (Taking a page from one of my favorite blogs

There are also some blessings in this quarantine that I focus on when emotions go awry:

  1. Less Traffic (and in turn a great break for our earth! Have you seen some of the photos?)

  2. Seeing neighbors I have never seen and families out and about enjoying some time together

  3. More time to read, cook and pursue my long list of hobbies

  4. Less stress on my runs because I have nothing to hurry home to do

  5. Less urgency to “DO” everything on my to do list

  6. More puppy time for Sophie & Honey

  7. More time to communicate with all of my children

  8. More time to read and interact with my grand babies, virtually. This makes my day, every day!

  9. Reaching out to and working out with so many people far and near in my virtual classes. This really makes my week !

Small things make a big difference. What accomplishments are you proud of this week? Celebrate them with style! What blessings have you found during this quarantine that you can focus on when negative thoughts creep in? Make a list, add to it and take a look at it regularly!
