It's Never Too Late!

This morning a client sent me this quote from F Scott Fitzgerald (although there is some debate who actually said this originally). This quote struck me as so relevant to the times we are living in. Having been working with many of you over the past 18 weeks of “quarantine life” I know that many people have felt as if their life has been put on hold. Many people have been waiting for the gyms to open to get their healthy lifestyles back. They are waiting for the time to be right to focus on their nutrition, waiting until covid-19 is under control to quit drinking, quit smoking, get to bed earlier, start meditating, etc. Well, it does not look like our lives will be quite normal for the foreseeable future! So if you have been “WAITING” for the time to be RIGHT, now may be the RIGHT time for you to make a positive change in your life for your health’s sake. While APF is not open for IN PERSON training, we are still taking on clients virtually for training or coaching . Health coaching is a great benefit for those of you who may be having a hard time staying motivated and sticking to your plan on your own. Paulo & I still do not know when we will feel comfortable opening the doors to our gym given that we cannot even get our kids in school here in Virginia but we are working daily to make our clients lives healthier and happier. Let us know if we can help you.


Week 8....Raise your hand if you need a little extra MOTIVATION right now!

Happy Monday!

Entering Week 8. WOW. It is normal and OKAY to hit the wall. Quarantine is affecting how we live our lives in all ways, exercise and nutrition included. We have been at this for a least two months, some even longer and it seems it will continue for the indefinite future. Lacking our social groups and face to face encounters with each other and our trainers may be making it difficult to stay motivated. After all, we here at APF feel like a very close knit community! Social fitness brings the buddy system to life no matter where you are. If you're going for a walk, vacuuming the house, running, or working out at the gym, you're not doing it alone - you are connected to others who are trying to increase their activity, too. One of the most motivating factors in group workouts, and therefore social fitness, is competition and SHARING!  

We would like to offer a challenge to motivate you for the remainder of MAY, starting today and ending Sunday May 31. No fees, no gimmicks. A goal of 280 minutes of exercise per week and logging your nutrition daily. The group challenge is set up through My Fitness Pal, ( . Once you let me know you want to participate and activate your myfitnespal account, I will invite you to our private group. You can then encourage your fitness friends in the group and gain encouragement yourself! Remember, this is a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE! If you are a more private person you can go the your settings and click private. I will post daily encouragements in the group as well as call out people who have done a great job on the challenge! I hope you will all use this challenge as a way to motivate yourself and help motivate others to make it through the rest of MAY!

Addendum: article in the Wash Po that came out on Tuesday:
